
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Week commencing 12th February 2018

    Fri 16 Feb 2018

    On Monday morning, Nursery and Reception enjoyed a Together Day celebrating Chinese New Year. The children learned why we have Chinese New Year and about the different animals used to represent the years. There were some tasty Chinese treats to try at break-time. The children created a beautiful dragon collage and made dragon musical instruments.

    Reverend Thorniley led the Ash Wednesday service at St James' Church - some children had the mark of the cross 'ashed' onto their forehead.

    Year 5 left for their 3 day residential trip to Malvern - they all had a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing some photos.


  • Week commencing 5th February 2018

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    On Monday Year Two went on a school trip to All Things Wild. The children explored different habitats and looked at the adaptations of animals. The children took part in a habitat workshop and held snakes, lizards and rabbits. 

    The whole school took part in Safer Internet day on Tuesday. Rhys and Ryan, our Online Safety ministers, wanted to lead two assemblies to support children’s understanding on Online Safety.

    The HFS News team were overwhelmed with the number of entries we received for the hugely popular Cutest Pet competition! See this week's newsletter for the list of winners!

    On Thursday Lucy from Evesham Library visited our Reception children. The children listened to some fabulous stories read by Lucy. They all received a book and a leaflet showing activities that are being held at Evesham Library over the half term holiday.

    Today the whole school took part in our 'Wildlife Run'. Each class was given the name of an animal which our school charity, The Vale Wildlife Centre, care for. The children had great fun walking/running as far as their given animal does in a day - despite the awful weather! Thank you to everyone who sent donations in for this - we will let you know the amount raised next week.

  • Week commencing 29th January 2018

    Fri 02 Feb 2018

    On Monday afternoon, Kate from Malvern Outdoor Elements, came into school to visit our Year 5 class. It was very exciting to hear about all the activities that the children will be involved in when we visit soon.


    Everybody loved the football match against St Andrew's First School on Tuesday 30th January. The school was counting on us and we were really confident that we were going to win. There were lots of Year 5 playing in the St Andrew's team so it was harder than we thought but we still scored two goals. We had a great penalty shoot out at the end and showed off our scoring skills. John scored a fantastic top-corner goal! Well done to the whole team.


    By Liam and Matthew


    Everyone was really confident but felt a bit nervous when the tall St Andrew's team turned up! Lots of them were Year 4 and 5 players. We set off to a great start with some fantastic goals scored by Lottie and Darcy. Lois and Sophie were protecting the goals scored by St Andrew's with their great Goal Keeping and Goal Defence skills. Hayden was all over the court, passing the ball and playing in Centre position. James was excellent at catching the balls as Wing Attack and Lotty intercepted lots of balls with her Wing Defence skills. Overall score: 16-7 to Harvington.


    by Lois and Sophie 
