
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Pupil Parliament

Pupil Parliament



At Harvington C of E First and Nursery School, we believe that pupils come first and it is important that all the pupils have an active role in the way their school is run. Pupil Parliament benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their opinions and influence the decisions that are made on their behalf.


Pupil Parliament promotes leadership opportunities and develops essential communication, organisation and debating skills. Pupil Parliament ensures that all the pupils within the school have an opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas.

Our successful Pupil Parliament is a well-respected body within the school and it consists of different ministers in KS2.


Their peers, through a democratic process of voting, elect the MPs. The MPs then meet half termly to discuss key issues within the school. The information is then relayed back to the classes by the MPs to gather further viewpoints.

Members of Pupil Parliament receive specific training on how to represent and listen to all pupils and how to effectively gather information. They are responsible for giving feedback to pupils about what happened in response to their views and to action decisions that have been made or explain why they can’t happen



  • To develop pupil voice across the school
  • To give the children an experience of democracy and politics
  • To enable the children to lead projects across the school
  • To develop teamwork and confidence



All children in KS2 are given the opportunity to apply for minister roles within the Pupil Parliament. They are given an application form to complete. Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers shortlisted are asked to present to KS2 and then the children will vote to select the Ministers from the candidates. All the other Ministers are shortlisted based on quality of application.


What do we do? 

Ministers hold regular meetings with their class to discuss topics, issues and initiatives that affect them and their learning environment as well as charity events.  Each sub-committee regularly meets with their teacher lead to discuss issues raised by the class and other important areas.  The ministers have different roles and responsibilities. The committee members work together on projects with different members of staff to get the best out of every project.  All the committees meet each half term as a full Pupil Parliament to evaluate the progress that has been made and the steps for the next half term.



Prime Minister - 

Deputy Prime Minister - 

Curriculum and Learning Ministers - 

Ethos and Values Ministers - 

Digital Ministers - 

Charity Ministers - 

Sport Ministers - 

Health and Well-being Ministers - 


What impact does Pupil Parliament have at Harvington C of E First and Nursery School?

  • Pupils learn to become confident speakers and representatives for the school, welcoming visitors to our classes and explaining the learning taking place.
  • Pupils develop their understanding of keeping safe through discussion and explanation of the importance of safeguarding with visitors to the academy, including taking part in our annual Safeguarding Audit process. Our Online Safety Ministers also present information to parents and plan workshops for other classes to take part in.
  • Liaising and discussing their opinions on whole school matters.
  • Developing their understanding of the recruitment process as well as having a genuine voice in decisions taken at the school.
  • Helping to promote values through work in Pupil Parliament and back in class.