
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Year 4


Welcome to Year 4


Class Teacher: Mr Morris

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Notarangelo

Class Governor: Mrs Roberts

PTFA Link: Mrs Brighton, Miss Isaacson and Mrs Syril

Long Term Overview

Year 4 Calculation Policy

Important Information


Homework is sent out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Thursday at 9am.

Spellings will be sent home at the beginning of the half term. Spelling tests take place on a Friday.


Please make sure your child has a named PE kit, water bottle, reading book and message book in school every day. 


This half term we are learning...


‘Who makes the decisions in Britain?'

This half term the children are going to be learning about the history of voting and parliament in this country. 


Our vocabulary:

ancient, modern, century and decade, AD and BC, period, Monarchy, Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords, Government, Prime Minister, Magna Carta, reform, suffragettes 


The UK has over 64 million people and everyone has different ideas, to make sure everyone can have a say, we elect MPs to represent our ideas and opinions in Parliament.

General elections usually take place every five years and this year the election will take place the day after our visit to London. Click on the link below to find out more about the Houses of Parliament.








The House of Commons


MPs in the House of Commons (pictured above) are concerned with checking the work of the government and debating, or discussing, the current issues that affect British people. The debates are held in the House of Commons.

We will be having debates of our own on a range of topics and will present some of these discussions to parents at the end of term.


Design and Technology

This term we will be applying our knowledge of electrical circuits to design our own torches.








Click on the link above to remind yourself of the key skills and terminology involved in understanding electrical circuits.


In Science, we will be revising the topics covered this year: States of matter, classification and changing habitats

, electricity and circuits, sound and vibrations as well as digestion and food. We will be conducting some experiments and focussing on fair testing.







Our Class Author is Berlie Doherty.


These are some of the books she has written:




What is Times Tables Rock Stars?

We use Times Table Rockstars to help us learn our times tables. By the end of Year 4 all children should know all of their times tables up to 12x12.
