What to Wear
Boys Girls
Navy sweatshirt with school logo Navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo Black/dark grey trousers (shorts in summer) Dark grey skirt/pinafore
White polo-shirt with logo Black/dark grey trousers
White polo-shirt with logo
Cotton blue checked dress in summer
Blue shorts
White T-shirt with school logo
Black plimsolls
Kit bag
Painting overall
- Shoes – not trainers. Open toed or heeled footwear is not permitted. Please send a pair of named wellies to leave in school.
- The children need PE kit in school every day. They also require a painting shirt to protect their clothes.
- Only one set of stud earrings are permitted. Other jewellery is not permitted.
- Jewellery, including earrings, must be removed for all physical education activities and swimming.
- They only need a book bag and lunchbox if having a packed lunch, they do not need to bring a rucksack.
- No inappropriate hair styles, hair gel or colouring. Long hair should be tied back.
- All personal items of clothing must be named otherwise they become easily lost.
- Ensure your child brings a sun hat to school and ensure that sun cream is applied before coming to school during periods of hot weather.
- Children need their message book and reading book every day. Message books are to be used for communication between parents/carers and members of staff.
- A named water bottle as children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day.
- Should your child bring undesirable items to school including mobile phones they will be confiscated. You may collect them from the office, they will not be returned to the children.