
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Year 5


Class Teacher: Mr C. Morris

Teaching Assistant: Mrs E. Notarangelo

Class Governor: Mr R. Arthur

PTFA Link: Mrs Brighton

Long Term Overview

The Battle of Evesham. Is it ever ok to  break the rules?


Our theme for this term is The Battle of Evesham. This topic will have more of a focus on history, learning about the causes of conflict, the background of the leading figures involved in the battle, why it occurred and how it ended. We will also explore some of the geography of Evesham and how this impacted strategies before and during the battle.


To complement our learning in school, we will be enjoying a trip to the Almonry Museum on the 17th January.


Click on the picture below for more information on the Battle of Evesham:



Our class author is Michael Morpurgo. 

Click on the picture of him to see his website.

Have you read any of his books?

Which book is your favourite?


Year 5 / 6 spellings - focus words set half termly. These are the words we will be looking for to ensure you are spelling correctly in your work!

Autumn 2 Spelling Homework
