
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Year 3


Welcome to Year 3

Class Teachers: Mrs Magee (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Cruchley (Thurs, Fri)

Teaching assistants: Mrs Phillips, Mrs Sale, Mrs Appleyard

Class Governor: Ms Francis

PTFA link: Mrs Dhir and Mrs Abbott


Key information


Homework is sent out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Thursday at 9am.

Spellings will be sent home at the beginning of the half term. Spelling tests take place on a Friday.


Please make sure your child has a named PE kit, water bottle, reading book and message book in school every day. 


Long Term Overview

Year 3 Calculation Policy

This half term we are learning...


‘Who were the Celts and how did they live?'

There will be a history focus where we will explore a pre-historic timeline including BC and AD. We will be exploring Skara Brae and using this as evidence to find out about everyday life in the stone age. Finally we will be learning all about Boudicca and the battle with the Romans. 



Click on the picture above to learn more about the Celts.


Key Vocabulary:

time line, BC-before Christ, AD-Anno Domini, past/present, before/after, century/decade, chronological order, similar, different, compare, contrast, change, cause, explain, question,  evidence      artefact, information, primary source, secondary source, account, tribe, Boudica, Iceni tribe

In science, we are learning about 'Rocks and Soil'


Across the term we will use the following vocabulary:

  • crystal
  • fossil
  • grain
  • hardness
  • rock
  • sediment
  • clay
  • impermeable
  • igneous



Our Class Author is Roald Dahl


Some of his books include:
