‘Together we love, learn and grow’
We have followed the Eco-Schools agenda for many years and are proud recipients of the bronze, silver and green flag awards. Eco-Schools is an International Award Scheme guiding schools on their journey towards sustainability. Its framework helps to embed sustainable principles into school life.
Our Eco Warriors form a Committee and the members are elected each year with representatives from each year group. They meet regularly to draw up a plan of action and complete activities. We present in collective worship so we can share our plans with others.
These are the areas we work on to improve our school environment
Pupils are asked to report taps which are dripping and we have self-timed taps throughout school.
Our present energy rating is 'D' and we are working towards a 'C' rating. We take part in 'Switch it Off Days' when we try to reduce our energy usage. we have signs by many of our light switches to remind everyone to turn electricity off when it is not in use.
We have Litter Pickers around the school which the children are encouraged to use and novelty bins to promote keeping the school grounds tidy.
We encourage children to walk to school to reduce the use of cars, this in turn helps with parking congestion too.
Healthy Living
We consider ourselves to be a Healthy School and have historic awards acknowledging this. As a part of this focus children have PHSE lessons during which they develop their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
School Grounds
We have developed our grounds over a number of years and they are a very special place to play and learn. They are used by every year group and every year we have an 'Environment Day' when our community comes together to tidy them and prepare new features.
We have cultivated different areas to encourage biodiversity, we have bug hotels and compost bins. We also have a number of growing beds to grow our own fruit and vegetables in our Roots and Shoots and class based learning.
We have many different areas to encourage a range of wildlife. We have a range of hedging and many different species of tree including fruit trees, conifers, sycamore and chestnut. We also have two bug hotels, wild areas, brambles and nettles. We know where these areas are so we can be safe when we are learning.
Global Perspectives
During the school year children's awareness of the world around them is raised as an integral part of the topics they study. In supporting the wider community funds are raised for different charities amongst which are Caring Hands Food Bank, Global Citizenship initiatives, Children in Need and our link school in Tanzania. For example we actively promote and challenge aspects in the wider world that we disagree with so more people understand.
Please see the link to our Global Citizenship page on the website: