
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’


  • Week commencing 26th November 2018

    Fri 30 Nov 2018

    This is the last week of after school clubs for this term - they will begin again week commencing 21st January.

    We held Parent Consultation Evenings on Monday and Tuesday of this week when parents heard of their child's learning and progress. Thank you to everyone who attended.

    Mrs Clark accompanied two children to St Mary's Primary School on Tuesday for a Cluster Eco Meeting - they met with children from other local schools to share their ideas.

    Flu immunisations were administered to those children whose parents had consented - thank you to the NHS Immunisation Team for looking after us.

    Christmas play rehearsals started this week for EYFS and KS1 - the children are looking forward to performing this year's production 'Hey Ewe!'. Any outstanding costumes need to be brought into school on Monday morning please.

    Our Reverse Advent Calendar starts tomorrow - look out for daily text reminders!

  • Week commencing 19th November 2018

    Fri 23 Nov 2018

    Reverend Richard met with the Sunshine Group on Monday.

    On Tuesday Year 4 arrived at school in their evacuee costumes ready for a visit to Hartlebury Castle. The children took part in two World War II workshops.  The first one was ‘Classroom at war’ where they learnt how to put gas masks on and what to do in an air raid shelter.  The second workshop ‘Make do and Mend’ taught the children how to reuse items to make new things such as rag rugs and paperchains out of newspaper.  Everyone had a great day and learnt lots of new facts.

    Mrs Thorp hosted a Drop-In session on Wednesday - thank you to all parents who came to have a coffee and a chat!

    Yesterday we were joined by other local schools to take part in a Year 1 Gifted and Talented Art Day. The children designed some fabulous artwork which was based on the book 'Lines that Wiggle'. 

    Today Year Three visited Evesham town centre as we have been learning about the history of it in our theme lessons. We visited the library where we looked at very old pictures of Evesham and even found one of our school! We learnt how to take out a library card and where to find the children's books. Next, we walked to the statue of Eof and sketched it. We know that Evesham is named after Eof so it was great to see the real life statue!

  • Week commencing 12th November 2018

    Fri 16 Nov 2018

    Year 2 had a fabulous tour around the beautiful Worcester Cathedral on Monday. The children were asked to look out for signs and symbols then they all made a prayer stone and gargoyle. 

    On Tuesday a total of 68 filled Christmas shoe boxes were collected by Teams4U - thank you to everyone who donated to this extremely worthy cause.

    That same afternoon Miss Kite and Mrs Sale escorted 20 Pupil Parliament Ministers to the Teams4U Warehouse in Evesham to learn how this charity impacts on helping others.

    A Phonics Presentation was held in the school hall on Wednesday for parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This was followed by a visit to classrooms. Thank you to those parents/carers who attended.

    Mrs Scott accompanied four Year 3 children to St Andrew's First School yesterday for a gymnastics cluster event.

    Together we managed to raise an absolutely tremendous amount of money for Children In Need - a final total will be given next week. Thank you so much for your support!

  • Week commencing 5th November 2018

    Fri 09 Nov 2018

    On Tuesday, Martin Bailey from ‘Animate 2 Educate’ delivered a fun and engaging computer day at Harvington First School. Children in all year groups enjoyed using creative apps to construct algorithms. Ben in year 1 said “Mr Bailey helped us to move the helicopters”. Miss Beaver said “it was brilliant and adults were learning as well as children”. A huge thank you to the PTFA for funding the computing day.

    Evesham firefighters visited Reception class this week to support with their theme ‘people who help us’. The children learnt such a lot about how to be a fire officer and had the opportunity to explore the fire engine and use the hose.

    Mr Beard visited Reception class yesterday to talk about his role as a Police Officer.

    Nursery children enjoyed their walk to Ellenden Farm Shop on Thursday afternoon. There was a tractor ride and a visit to see the chickens and horses. All the children bought a piece of fruit from the shop and then sat outside on the benches to eat it. Thank you to Mrs Turner for welcoming them.

    Today, Miss Willmore led an Online Safety presentation to parents/carers which was followed by a visit to classrooms to see Online Safety activities.

    Thank you to everyone who attended our moving Remembrance Service this morning. The children walked into the hall holding a poppy and the names of the Harvington and Norton soldiers were read out by Year Five.

  • Week commencing 22nd October 2018

    Mon 05 Nov 2018
    We had a super iSing Pop week. Our hall and church were filled with our singing voices, culminating in a concert on Thursday evening. the children enjoyed every minute! Thank you to the PTFA for funding this event and to St James' church for welcoming us to record in the church.