
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Week commencing 26th November 2018

This is the last week of after school clubs for this term - they will begin again week commencing 21st January.

We held Parent Consultation Evenings on Monday and Tuesday of this week when parents heard of their child's learning and progress. Thank you to everyone who attended.

Mrs Clark accompanied two children to St Mary's Primary School on Tuesday for a Cluster Eco Meeting - they met with children from other local schools to share their ideas.

Flu immunisations were administered to those children whose parents had consented - thank you to the NHS Immunisation Team for looking after us.

Christmas play rehearsals started this week for EYFS and KS1 - the children are looking forward to performing this year's production 'Hey Ewe!'. Any outstanding costumes need to be brought into school on Monday morning please.

Our Reverse Advent Calendar starts tomorrow - look out for daily text reminders!
