
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’


  • Week commencing 20th June 2016

    Fri 24 Jun 2016

    We held two new parents evening this week - one for parents of new Reception children and one for Nursery. Both were very well attended. Important advice was given to help children have a happy and positive start to their school life.


    On Tuesday YR visited Nature in Art to experience two workshops and meet real artists. They also visited the gallery to get some ideas about how to present their own artwork! They loved the gardens where they found large metal sculptures - a reindeer's antlers were created with horseshoes and large mini-beasts contained nuts, bolts and exhaust sections.

    The workshop staff commented on the outstanding attitudes and behaviour which they thought was fantastic! We were really proud of them for representing Harvington First School so brilliantly!


    Today was a 'Dress Down Day' in exchange for a jam jar filled with wrapped sweets. Thank you to everyone who has supported this. Year 5 will be selling the jam jars on their stall at our Very British Fayre on Friday 8th July.


    Sports Day picnic menus are now available to collect and should be returned by Friday 1st July.



  • Week commencing 13th June 2016

    Fri 17 Jun 2016

    After school clubs finished this week except for Sports Challenge and Cricket Club - these will continue until week ending 15th July.

    Our Year 5 children have been visited by teachers of their new school this week and are now looking forward to attending their induction day on 5th July.

    Mrs Fishbourne held a 'Tea & Talk' session today which was attended by several parents.

    Children have enjoyed wearing non-uniform today - this was in exchange for a donation for the tombola stall at our Summer Fair on Friday 8th July.


  • Week commencing 6th June 2016

    Fri 10 Jun 2016

    All children have started having cricket coaching this half term with Mr Hancock from Worcestershire Cricket.

    On Wednesday, 10 girls from Year Three and Four took part in a football festival at the University of Worcester. The girls enjoyed playing four games of football against other schools and learned lots of new skills in workshops, including how to be a goalie and a referee! They even got to have their hair braided and faces painted. They were also lucky enough to meet real life women football players who play for Aston Villa!

    All week we have been preparing our birthday celebrations for the Queen. Each class has either made jam tarts or scones and have been learning about our Queen and the monarchy.

    The whole school were able to cook because of the generosity of Tesco Supermarket in Evesham who supplied all the ingredients. Mr Bishop, Ben and Heidi’s Dad, organised all this for us. A huge thank you to Tesco and Mr Bishop. We are very grateful!

    On Friday we enjoyed celebrating the Queen’s birthday in school. Each class either sung a song, danced or recited poetry; they were all brilliant! We then enjoyed our jam tarts and scones before singing the Proms songs with great gusto. We finished off by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the Queen. I am sure she was able to hear us all even though she was in London!

    Year 2’s butterflies have hatched today and have been released into the wild! They have been named Queenie and Elizabeth by the children – how appropriate!


