
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’


  • Week commencing 27th March 2017

    Fri 31 Mar 2017

    Thank you to all parents who attended Parent Consultation Meetings on Monday and Tuesday - we hope you found them informative.

    On Wednesday, Reverend Richard invited the whole school to a special service at St James' Church to celebrate the school's success in the latest Ofsted judgement. Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended and also those parents who helped walk with the children to church.

    Also on Wednesday, Mrs Scrivens accompanied two children to a School Council Cluster Meeting which was held at St Mary's Catholic Primary School. The children met with children from other local schools to learn how they organise their school council meetings.

    Yesterday, Year 1 had a fabulous day at The Cotswold Wildlife Park. The weather was absolutely fantastic. Children loved to see the monkeys, rhinos and sleeping lions. The children were a pleasure to take and showed their knowledge and understanding of animals.

    Today, the whole school enjoyed being involved in our Samba Bamba Day. Mr Costello led some fantastic workshops for all the children who had a wonderful time playing different instruments. A huge thank you to the PTFA for making this possible.

  • Week commencing 20th March 2017

    Fri 24 Mar 2017

    ECO Visit to Bengeworth School

    I took two of our ECO warriors, John Collins (yr3) and Eli Webb (yr2) to Bengeworth School on Monday 20th March, for a cluster event.  We were greeted by members of their ECO group.  We started by having a meeting where we all shared the things we are working on at the moment within our schools.  Bengeworth told us that they had recently planted over 300 trees in their forest school area!  They also told us about their new peace garden which sounded very beautiful.   We then had a tour of both the new school site and old, which was very exciting.  We had great fun talking about how their school was very different from ours.  Unfortunately due to the heavy rain we didn't go outside to see their forest school area first hand.... but we viewed it from a window close by!

    By Mrs Clark


    Scholastic Book Fair

    A huge thank you to everyone who bought books from our fabulous book fair. We are thrilled to announce that we raised £838.83, of which £500 is returned to us to spend on books for our school. We look forward to purchasing and reading some fantastic new books!


    SATs Meeting

    Thank you to all parents who attended the SATs information meeting on Thursday afternoon.


    Red Nose Day

    The children came to school today dressed in something red in exchange for a £1 donation.  KS2 also decorated cakes to sell at breaktime. Thank you for all your support with our Red Nose Day celebrations. We are pleased to announce we have raised over £257.00 so far! 




  • Week commencing 13th March 2017

    Fri 17 Mar 2017

    On Tuesday 14th March, Year Four went on a special journey to Worcester Cathedral to take part in this year's 'Pilgrim's Quest'. The children had a fantastic day learning all about pilgrimages (special religious journeys) and the fabulous Cathedral. The children took part in various activities including arts and crafts, singing, games, puzzles and had a guided tour of the Cathedral.

    Also on Tuesday, Year One had a wonderful afternoon at St Egwin's Middle School where they met with other schools for a Multi-Skills Festival. The children were split into groups and had great fun in throwing and catching balls, dribbling balls with their feet, balancing on benches, learning hockey skills and balancing shuttlecocks on badminton rackets.

    Our Book Fair has arrived in school and is open for parents to visit at 3.15pm today in the school hall. It will be open for children to visit with their class teacher until Wednesday 22nd March. Please send your child into school with their book fair money in a named envelope.


  • Week commencing 28th February 2017

    Fri 03 Mar 2017

    The children returned to school on Tuesday after a restful half term break.

    As it was Shrove Tuesday, Class Catering prepared hot dogs and delicious pancakes for the children to enjoy at lunchtime.

    On Wednesday, children from Reception to Year 5 walked to St James' Church for the Ash Wednesday Service led by Reverend Richard. Children, who were given permission by their parents, received the ash cross mark on their foreheads. 

    Yesterday was World Book Day and the children came to school dressed in some absolutely fantastic costumes. There was a parade held in the school hall and two children were chosen from each class for the best costume. 
