
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’


  • Week commencing 21st May 2018

    Fri 25 May 2018

    On Monday all of KS2 became artists for the day!  After learning about the artist Vincent Van Gogh and looking at his piece of artwork ‘Sunflowers’, the children got their sketch books and sketching pencils out. The morning was spent practising different skills and producing artwork Van Gogh style.  They all worked really well and produced some brilliant masterpieces which you will be able to see hanging in the hall very soon!

    Mrs Sale and three Pupil Parliament pupils visited Bengeworth Academy on Tuesday morning to take part in a Learning Walk.

    On Wednesday a group of children from Year 5 also visited Bengeworth Academy for a morning of poetry.  The children listened to a piece of music and wrote what they could hear.  Based on that piece of music, they created their own poems working with other children from local schools.

    Ethan said: “I really enjoyed working with different people and I was pleased with the poem I wrote about a warrior.”

    On Thursday we welcomed Learning Ministers from St Richard's First School to Harvington to take part in a Learning Walk. The children enjoyed meeting with our Pupil Parliament Ministers and even stayed for lunch!

    Year Two visited Worcester Cathedral on Thursday. The children had a tour of the Cathedral and had to find Christian symbols and then learnt what they meant. The children also took part in a prayer stone workshop and made some terrifying gargoyles.

    'I learnt lots about Christian Symbols and really enjoyed making a gargoyle with horns,' said Lana.

    Mrs Phillips and Mrs Scott escorted eight children to Evesham Fire Station today.

    We were invited to visit as winners of a competition held by Worcestershire County Council entitled ‘What is important to me’.

    Unfortunately both fire crews were called out on emergencies but the children still enjoyed having a tour of the station.


  • Week commencing 14th May 2018

    Fri 18 May 2018

    On Wednesday 16th May, Year 5 learnt a new skill: bell boating.  We took out three bell boats and paddled from Fladbury to Evesham which was around 5 miles!  All of the children worked brilliantly as a team and showed a good competitive spirit.  Year 5 will be putting their new skills in to practice in June when they take part in the Evesham schools regatta.  Thank you to Mrs Elmes, Mrs Sale and Mrs Scott who managed to steer the boats brilliantly!

    On Friday it was maths day at Harvington.  Each class took part in a workshop with the Problem Solving Company, completing different tasks such as building Lego structures and completing patterns and sequences.  Back in the classroom other exciting maths based activities were going on including maths trials around school where the children had to work together to solve questions such as “How many children are in school today?” and “How many door handles are there in school?”

    Thank you to the PTFA for funding the workshops for the school, the children had a fantastic day.

  • Week commencing 8th May 2018

    Fri 11 May 2018

    On Friday 4th May, ten children from Year Five had a fantastic time at a basketball festival at The De Montfort School. They got to practise lots of new skills and even won a certificate each! Well done to Matthew and Ethan who were awarded with a medal for being "star shooters".

    We have started our new system of having our milk delivered in recyclable containers. The children have learned how to pour the milk carefully into their new beakers and are enjoying drinking the milk without the need to use plastic straws. We have worked out that we have stopped the use and waste of approximately 100 straws per day!

    Wow! We are making such a difference to our environment.

    We are currently taking bookings for September for Nursery, Early Birds Breakfast Club and Wrappers After School Club. Please complete a new booking form, together with signed terms and conditions, and return to the office by Wednesday 16th May.

    We are looking forward to welcoming the children to the PTFA discos this evening. Entrance will be via the Nursery gate.
