
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Does my child just come to school/nursery on the first day?

Nursery children can attend their first allocated sessions straight away during term time.

Full time attendance in Reception is staggered so that the teacher and child build up a warm relationship.  Starting school becomes fun. 


If your child is already at school, bring him/her along to visit, meet friends, see the new teacher.  Let him/her make up some questions to ask. We will make the visit both exciting and reassuring.


What happens if my child has difficulties with their learning?

If we think your child requires further support, the class teacher will discuss individual targets with you and share an Individual Education Plan.  This will ensure that any difficulties are noted and plans made to support your child. The Special Educational Needs Policy is approved by the governing body and is implemented throughout the school.


How is my child assessed?

Teachers assess children all the time and have a full understanding of their next steps. There are also national tests. At the end of Year One children are tested in a national phonic test. At the end of Year Two there are national tests in reading, spelling, grammar and maths. At the end of Year Four the children will take a new multiplication test. Advice is available from class teachers to enable you to support your child.


How does school support good behaviour?

Good behaviour is encouraged. A weekly celebration assembly sees Merit Certificates and the ‘Harvington Pig”, ‘Harvey Hedgehog’ and Ralph the Role Model’ awarded, amongst others. Children are encouraged to respect others and their property in accordance with the school Behaviour Policy, our six key values and our Vision Statement. If you are concerned consult the class teacher in the first instance.

Any accusation of bullying is always taken seriously, and thoroughly investigated. Please read our Anti-Bullying Policy (included in this Handbook).  The children are always taken seriously and all children are treated fairly.  The school reserves the ultimate right to exclude in extreme cases.


What do I do if my child is ill?

If your child is going to be absent let us know otherwise you will be called under our first day absence policy.  If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea they must be clear for 48 hours from their last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting before returning to school.


What do I do if I want to go on holiday?

Every lesson missed really counts and in the interests of your child's education we request you make holiday arrangements out of term time. No holiday can be authorised during term time from Reception to Year Five unless there are very exceptional circumstances.  Parents are required to complete an application for leave of absence, these can be collected from the office.


What happens if my child needs medicine at school?

Ideally medicine is administered by the parent/carer at home or by coming into school. Under special circumstances trained staff will administer medicine following the completion of a form, obtainable from the school office. 


The use of lip salve is allowed. It should be named and handed to the class teacher for children in Nursery, Reception, Years One and Two. Older children may keep their own lip salve and will be reminded not to share due to cross contamination.

In warm weather, sun cream should be applied before coming to school.


What happens if my child is ill or seriously hurt in school?

Our qualified First Aiders will care for your child whilst we make every effort to contact you. 

Should hospital treatment be necessary an ambulance will be called immediately.

Head bumps will be seen by the first aiders and a letter sent should they deem it necessary.  It's useful if you work to have a friend or relative who can collect your sick child if necessary.

Please let us know when you change your phone/work/home number


What do I do if my child has head lice?

Please inform your child’s Class Teacher or the office. It is advisable to regularly check for head lice and preferably, once a week, condition and comb your child’s hair using a lice detection comb. Daily brushing is a good deterrent and long hair should be tied up.


How can I be involved in school?

You are welcome to be involved in school. Please ask in the office for a Disclosure and Barring Service check form.


What happens if things go wrong or I have a problem?

Come in and speak to the Class Teacher in the first instance or use the message book system where appropriate.  We would much rather talk to you to resolve any problems. We will investigate any complaints.  The governors have in place a complaints procedure which can be found on the school website.


Can my child come to Nursery?

Yes, please register your child’s name with the office. If spaces are available you will be notified. We will offer you our full welcome pack the term before your child starts.



We are an inclusive school and we aim to provide the necessary facilities and education for all children.  The school has carried out a disability access audit resulting in a plan to increase access for all with disabilities. This accessibility plan is reviewed regularly.


Safeguarding Children

This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  Sometimes we may need to share information with other agencies.  We will ensure our concerns are discussed with parents first unless we have reason to believe that this action would be contrary to the child’s welfare.  Should you have any concerns please contact us.


Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead

            – Helen Fishbourne

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

            – Becky Enstone and Sally McCaugherty

Governor with Safeguarding Responsibility

– Joanna Seymour


The school recognises that, on occasions, there is a need to intervene when there is an obvious risk of safety to pupils, staff and property. For the most part this is achieved through the fostering of good relationships, and the normal application of positive behaviour management to support and intervene. However, in exceptional or extreme circumstances this may involve the use of “positive handling”. In such circumstances, staff will follow the school’s policy for dealing with such situations. This policy is available on the school website.

