
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Week commencing 9th May 2016

We are all looking forward to the school discos tonight which have been organised by the PTFA. Nursery and KS1 Disco will be from 5.30pm to 6.30pm and the KS2 Disco from 6.45pm to 8pm. Entry is £1.50 payable on door. There will be drinks, sweets, crisps and glow sticks on sale too. All money raised comes to the school. Thank you for your support.

The links for the 'Bridge the Gap' are still on sale for £1 each - please call into the office.

We have lots of school trips planned for this term - At-Bristol, Avoncroft Museum and Kenilworth Castle to name but a few.
