‘Together we love, learn and grow’
What a busy week!
On Monday Year 5 visited The Evesham Arts Centre to participate in the Festival of Languages with other local schools.
Four of our Year 4 children attended the Worcestershire Summer School Games on Tuesday where they took part in a tennis tournament.
On Tuesday all children in school had a 'transition' morning in which they moved into their new year groups and Year 5 spent the whole day at their new middle school.
On Wednesday we held a Grounds Morning - the children and adults worked really hard to help clear the weeds and make our grounds look neat and tidy. Thank you to everyone who supported us.
Yesterday we took part in the Evesham Swimming Club Gala where we competed against other local schools - we came 5th overall.
Today we held our Sports Day - the children were extremely sportsmanlike and competed confidently. The children were joined by their families to enjoy a whole school picnic at lunchtime. Thankfully the weather was kind to us today.
The PTFA have organised A Very British Fayre which is being held this evening from 5pm until 8pm - all are welcome to attend.