
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Week commencing 3rd December 2018

On Monday we walked to St James' Church for our Advent Service. We have a lovely Mary and Joseph and other traditional characters that love to go on a journey during Advent just like hundreds of years ago when Mary and Joseph completed their journey to Bethlehem.

If you would like to take them home with you for a night, and record their journey and visit with you, please contact the office and we will add you to the list.

Mary and Joseph will then be taken to St James’ Church as part of the KS2 Christmas Carol evening on Thursday 20th December.

Reception class went on a trip to Smart Trees on Tuesday. They had a fantastic time, visiting Father Christmas, orienteering around the Christmas trees and searching for the reindeers. The trip was magical and the children loved every minute. When asked, ‘What was your favourite thing?’ Harrison said “I just can’t choose one thing as I loved it all”.  Thank you to our parent helpers for supporting such a fantastic day out.

Thank you to all parents/carers who joined us on Wednesday to share our reading comprehension work in Years 3, 4 and 5. We hope you enjoyed learning how we improve our reading and comprehension skills.

Year 1 visited St James' Church yesterday to reinforce our learning of why does Christmas matter to Christians.

Our netball team took part in a match against Bengeworth Academy after school yesterday. Although we didn't win our team thoroughly enjoyed taking part. Thank you to Miss Beaver for organising this.

Key stage 1 and some of Reception class enjoyed a special Art morning today. The children based their art around a book called Cuddly Dudley, all about a penguin who learns that working with friends is much more fun than working all by himself.

During the day the children got the opportunity to work with others from different year groups to make their Art. We enjoyed using water colours, finger painting and paper craft to make our penguins. "I love art, I wish we could do art every day" said Sephi


