‘Together we love, learn and grow’
On Monday we welcomed Zetta Robinson from Evesham Library into school to talk about The Reading Agency Summer Reading Challenge. Ms Robinson gave an assembly to the children about what fun can be had by reading through the summer holidays. This year's theme is Roald Dahl. Visit bigfriendlyread.org.uk or download the app sol.us/read
On Wednesday Year Two visited Avoncroft Museum to support their learning on materials and why times change. The children had a tour around the different houses and even got to go inside a windmill. They also spent time making bricks and wattle and daub walls made from 'cowpat'.
Today all of Key Stage 2 visited the At-Bristol Science museum to develop their science investigation skills. Each class attended a workshop. Year 3 - Healthy Bodies, Year 4 - The Water Cycle, Year 5 - Choose Health.