‘Together we love, learn and grow’
Mrs Sale accompanied three of our Pupil Parliament Ministers to Bretforton First School on Tuesday. The ministers took part in a learning walk to share ideas on what makes an outstanding school. We look forward to Bretforton's visit to us next week.
We welcomed Mrs Thomas (our school lollipop lady) and Mr Beard (police officer) into Nursery this week to link with our story of The Everywhere Bear by Julia McDonaldson. We wish to thank them both for taking the time to visit us and for talking to us about their important roles in the community.
Mrs Thorp hosted a Home School Link drop-in session on Wednesday - thank you those parents who joined us for a coffee and a chat.
Reverend Richard will be holding a Mothering Sunday service at 9.15am at St James' Church.
We look forward to seeing you all at parents evening on either Monday or Tuesday next week.