‘Together we love, learn and grow’
We welcomed the children back to school on Monday after a lovely Easter break and are now looking forward to a busy summer term.
Music lessons started this week with Mrs Jefferies, Mr Telford and Mr Hardwick - please remember to send in instruments and music books where necessary. Year 4 are also continuing with their violin lessons on Mondays with Mr Hawcutt.
On Tuesday, Mrs Fishbourne accompanied Mrs Howard and the Year 4 class to the Evesham Arts Centre where they participated in a Music Cluster Event. Mrs Fishbourne said the children sang beautifully and were a real credit to the school.
On Thursday we welcomed an Orthoptist into school who carried out routine eye tests on the majority of our Reception class children.
Miss Beaver has arranged for Worcester Cricket Club to come into school to run some after school cricket clubs on Thursdays and Fridays - we hope the children enjoy these lessons which will carry on throughout the summer term.
Welcome letters have been emailed out to parents today and they can also be found on our website. We hope you find the information useful.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday after the Bank Holiday weekend.