‘Together we love, learn and grow’
On Monday Miss Mahoney gave a Phonics Presentation to parents of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. Afterwards parents visited classrooms to see examples of phonic teaching. Thank you to everyone who attended.
On Tuesday we went to the Islamic exhibition in Birmingham to learn about Islam for our RE work.
We learnt about the messages in the Qur’an and the five pillars of Islam. We coloured some geometric patterns and wrote our names in Arabic.
We really enjoyed trying on some different types of clothing and learning lots of new facts. We had a great day and met some lovely people. By Skye and Maisy-Year 5
Also on Tuesday four Year 3 children, accompanied by Mrs Scott, attended a Gifted and Talented Gymnastics Event at St Andrews First School. The children were involved in learning different gymnastics moves and then the boys and girls performed separate dances to everyone.
Thank you to all parents who attended Parent Consultation Meetings on Monday and Tuesday evening - we hope you found the meetings informative.
Today we welcomed Fran from ComputerXplorers into school. Nursery have had fun programming Bee-Bots, Reception learnt how to create a simple animation, KS1 were involved in creating more advanced animations and KS2 have created lego robotics. Thank you to Miss Willmore for organising this fantastic day and a huge thank you to Harvington PTFA who funded this for the children.