
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Week commencing 19th March 2018

On Monday Nursery and Reception class enjoyed an Easter 'Together Day'. Miss Willmore read the Easter story to the children and then the children took part in some lovely Easter activities. These included making Easter crosses, playing pin the tail on the bunny and practising their orienteering skills whilst taking part in an Easter egg hunt! Mrs Johnson had the extremely difficult job of judging the decorated Easter egg competition as they were all so brilliant! 

On Wednesday Mrs Sams and Miss Davidson accompanied three of our Year 2 children to a cluster dance event at St Richard's First School.

Yesterday, we had two classes out on different trips. Year 1 visited The Cotswold Wildlife Park in Burford and Year 4 travelled to Birmingham to visit the Singers Hill Synagogue and History Museum. All the children were so well behaved and were a credit to our school.



