‘Together we love, learn and grow’
Mrs Croft, our school photographer, took pictures of all the children on Monday - proofs will be sent out to parents after half term.
Reverend Thorniley led our Harvest Festival Service on Tuesday morning. The children were very confident in performing their songs. Thank you to everyone for sending in your harvest-filled baskets. We have received so many lovely messages from our senior residents who really appreciated your gifts.
The children enjoyed another Bible story expertly told by Reverend Richard and his Open the Book team on Wednesday morning.
Parents/carers of Key Stage 2 children joined us for lunch on Wednesday for our Come Dine with Me. Thank you to everyone who came and to Class Catering for preparing and cooking another tasty lunch.
Today Year 3 visited Birmingham Museum to further their knowledge of an Egyptian life. Thank you to Miss Beaver for organising the trip and to the parents who had volunteered to help today.
We welcomed Shell Perris from iSingPOP into school today. Shell is leading a project which helps promote the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of pupils and their place in the community. The children have started to learn a number of special songs, with actions, which support our school values as well as the children's learning in a range of subjects including Music, RE and Citizenship. On Wednesday next week, the children will be recorded so that we can create a school album with help from the iSingPOP team. The children will then be performing at two concerts on Thursday 25th October.