
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Week commencing 15th January 2018

Sports Challenge after school clubs started this week. Mr Bennett is running mini football for Reception and Years 1-2 on Mondays, Hockey club for Years 2-5 on Tuesdays and Football club for years 3-5 on Thursdays.

On Monday Year 5 went to the Almonry museum to find out about the Battle of Evesham.

The children started off by learning lots about why the battle happened and where in Evesham it took place.  They also learnt how knights prepared for battle; they even got to try on some of the armour!

The children were able to visit St Laurence’s church where there is a stained glass window of Simon De Montfort.  Everyone had a great morning and returned to school where the children did some fantastic writing as if they were knights at the battle.

On Wednesday Reverend Thorniley led the first Open the Book Assembly for this term. Many thanks to Reverend Thorniley and his team for their splendid story telling.


