‘Together we love, learn and grow’
On Tuesday staff members produced some wonderful 'Showstopper' cakes and, after paying an entrance fee, these were judged by two governors. The best looking Showstopper was won by Miss Ashmead. Thank you to all the children who paid £1 to guess which staff member had made which cake. We are very pleased to announce that £94.40 was raised which will be going to The Vale Wildlife Hospital.
On Tuesday some of the Pupil Parliament ministers went to the Teams4u warehouse to help sort the shoe boxes that had been kindly given by school. We had to check each box had toiletries, warm clothes and toys for the children and watched a video about where our boxes would go. We sent 92 shoe boxes and are top of the shoe box leader board for the amount sent in from a first school. Thank you to everyone who sent in a shoe box.
Written by Elaina Groom and Lily Kealy
Year 3,4 and 5 visited Tesco as part of Economic Awareness week. We looked at packaging to see where the foods had come from and how far they had travelled, we also learnt about fairtrade and rainforest alliance products. The children particularly enjoyed learning about the different types of fish on the fish counter and where they had been caught.
Children in Need on Friday meant that everyone dressed up as a 'Super Hero' for the day in return for a suggested £1 donation. Key Stage 2 had been busy all week making hundreds of Pudsey biscuits and these went on sale too. The total amount raised is now over £300! Thank you to everyone who supported this.