
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Medical Information

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of your child whilst in our care.

It is important for us to be aware of any continuing medical conditions which are likely to affect your child at school and we ask you to supply us with the necessary details to the school office. For minor injuries sustained at school, first aiders are on site and will administer first aid.  A child who receives a head bump will be treated, monitored closely and given a letter of notification of the injury to take home, they will also wear a wrist band with the date and time of which the head bump happened. If a child needs to be referred to the hospital Accident and Emergency department, we always try to contact one of the parents first. It is essential that the school holds up to date records of names and telephone numbers of parents and/or a responsible adult who can be contacted in case of emergency. Please be sure to inform the school of any changes in contact numbers.

Medicines in School:

We understand that it is sometimes necessary for medication to be administered during the school day. In order for us to administer any medication, parental (or legal guardian) permission is required by completing and signing the medication form at the school office. 

Medication will not be accepted in school unless this form has been completed and signed by the parent/legal guardian of the child and medicine has been prescribed by a doctor. 

Absence from school due to sickness/diarrhoea:

If your child is absent from school and has been vomiting or had diarrhoea, please note that they must not return to school until a clear 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting/diarrhoea. This will help to minimise the spread of any bugs etc. 


Reporting Absence

Please report any absence to the school office. 

