
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Year 3


Welcome to Year 3

Class Teacher : Miss Byng

Teaching assistant: Mrs Sams

Class Governor: Ms Francis.

PTFA link - Mrs Dhir, Mrs Hurst and Mrs Buckley


Key information

PE Lessons

PE lessons are on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child always has their PE kit in school. 


Music Lessons

In music we will be learning about Jazz.



Homework will be set on a Friday to be returned on the following Thursday. This will include practising your weekly spellings and times tables on times tables rockstars. Your spellings will be sent home at the start of each half term.


Your message book, reading book, PE kit and water bottle need to be in school everyday. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is named.


Long Term Overview

Year 3 Calculation Policy

Our topic this half term is

'Who inspires us?'



Click on the image to learn all about Zaha Hadid.



Key vocabulary for our topic. Do you know what any of these words mean?




chronological order








Our science topic for this half term is 'Plant Reproduction'.




Click on the image above to learn more about Plant Reproduction.




Key vocabulary for our science topic. Do you know what all these words mean?








Our Class Author is Roald Dahl


Click on the picture of Roald Dahl to visit his website.

What can you find out about Roald Dahl?


Click on the images below to support your learning at home, My Maths and purple mash

