
Harvington C of E First and Nursery School

‘Together we love, learn and grow’

Year 5


Class Teacher: Mr Cook

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Phillips

Teaching Support: Mrs Manns

Class Governor: Mr R. Arthur

PTFA Link: Mrs Collins and Mrs Heaton 

Long Term Overview

Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to Year Five. We hope you had a lovely half term break and we look forward to continuing your learning journey during your last year at Harvington First School.


Key information:

Your message book and reading book, PE kits and a water bottle need to be in school everyday.


Homework will be set on a Friday and needs to be in on the following Thursday at 9am.


Your spellings will be sent home at the start of each half term.


Our theme question is 'Who Inspires Me?'

We will be learning about architects, artists and composers who can give us inspiration.


Key Vocabulary:



still life 


modern period





Sergei Prokofiev was a Russian composer and one of his most famous musical stories was Peter and Wolf.  To find out about the composer click on his picture.




Paul Cezanne was a French post-impressionist painter.

To find out more about Cezanne click on his picture.

These are some of his paintings:





Antoni Gaudi was a Spanish Architect.  Most of his designs are located in Barcelona.

Click on his picture to view some of his designs.


This is one of his famous designs-La Sagrada Familia 






In science we will be learning about Forces and Space: Unbalanced Forces




Watch this video to find out more.




Key Vocabulary






air resistance

water resistance




Remember to spend time on Times Table Rock Stars each day!


If you need any extra help with your times tables then use MyMaths and Purple Mash to help you.




Click on the images below to support your learning at home using My Maths.





Our class author is Michael Morpurgo.

Click on the picture of him to see his website.

Have you read any of his books?

Which book is your favourite?


Year 5 / 6 spellings - focus words set half termly. These are the words we will be looking for to ensure you are spelling correctly in your work!
